Jesus Christ is Lord and Head of this church. Under His authority, the congregation is the final authority; however, this authority is normally exercised through the election of officers for the general governing and the conducting of its business, the management and control of its property, and the general supervision of its work. This authority is vested in the Official Board.
The Official Board is actually comprised of the members of three subordinate boards – the Board of Deacons, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Christian Education. These persons are elected at a church business meeting each year and they must be members of the church.
In accordance with the practices in the New Testament, the Board of Deacons provides spiritual leadership for and service to the church. Along with the pastor(s), they proclaim the gospel, care for church members and other persons in the community, lead the church in fellowship, worship and witness.
The Board of Trustees oversees the financial affairs and property of the church and takes all necessary measures for its protection, management, and upkeep.
The Board of Christian Education supports the teaching ministries of the church through the planning, execution, and evaluation of programs that advance the study of the scriptures and their application to everyday life.
Again, people are nominated to serve on the boards and are elected by the congregation at a business meeting in December. If you think you would like to serve on one of them, speak to one of the current board chairpersons (Sandy Bonavina, Don Ostrander, or Linda Shandorf) to make your interest known.
Each year the Official Board appoints individuals to fill other offices and positions that help us function.
The Treasurer has the specific responsibility of day-to-day management of the church’s financial resources by following sound fiscal practices and procedures and provides accurate, up-to-date financial information on the church’s financial position to the Official Board and the congregation for decision-making purposes.
The church Moderator is a who prepares for and presides at church business meetings (according to Parliamentary Procedure) and speaks for the church as the chairperson of its governing body.
Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary records all donations and receipts from members and regular contributors, distributes annual reports of monies donated to individual givers, and assists the Treasurer in keeping the necessary financial records
Church Clerk
The Church Clerk is responsible for recording, processing and maintaining minutes of church business meeting transactions, for maintaining church membership changes, and for preparing and mailing all official church correspondence.
The Secretary of the Official Board takes the minutes of each meeting of that Board, recording all motions, actions, discussions and reports.
The Director of Children’s Ministries has coordinative oversight of all children’s ministries and activities for children from preschool ages through high school. These programs will include proclaiming the gospel through Biblical teaching and providing and interpreting information regarding the work of the church in the world.
The Sunday School Treasurer
The Sunday School Treasurer and Assistant SS Treasurer have custody of Sunday School offerings and maintain records of these offerings and expenses involving the operation of the Sunday School, disbursing funds to meet those expenses.
The Director of Music is response for playing, or arranging for the playing of, the organ during services, for supervising any choirs, and cooperating with the pastor(s) and other church leaders in the selection of suitable music and musical programs for any occasions where needed.
Each year the Official Board also appoints individuals members of several committees.
The Auditing Committee reviews the financial records of the Church and organizations within the church and makes a report at the Annual Report Meeting.
The Pastoral Relations Committee fosters constructive communication between the congregation and the Pastor(s) and to implement the congregation's responsibility for its Pastor's/Pastors’ professional and personal well-being.
The Memorial Committee works closely with the Official Board to compile a list of suitable items which may be given as memorials, to assist in selecting the chosen materials, and to make recommendations for other use of the Memorial Funds.
The Flower Committee supervises the placement of flowers in the sanctuary for worship services. They keep a calendar by which members may arrange to furnish flowers, order flowers as necessary, including for church holidays and special occasions, and arrange displays.
The Music Committee, in cooperation with the Music Director, plans and promotes the musical activities of the church and make recommendations for the purchase of necessary supplies and equipment.
Hospitality Committee Members are responsible for coordinating meals or snacks for church-wide fellowship on a recurring basis (e.g., Third Sunday Cookie Hour or potlucks) or to mark significant events (e.g., Church Anniversaries or special holidays meals).